The Colour of Music

Fades with lack of emotion. We may attempt to feel what the writer wrote, forgetting ourselves. Reasons vary. Sometimes our own feelings are too much and we choose to live those of others instead - this becomes dangerous once we forget how we naturally feel and begin to feel as if we were someone else. At first it might work out, even for a long while, but degrade will eventually leave us faded, much like the music we initially loved - we no longer remember what we truly felt while listening.

Colour is emotion. It can be restored with integrity, though even with earnest attempt success can elude us.

Yet, this does not signify failure, rather, a path. Rediscovery of the self that was left behind due to the pain can be a feeling most magnificent once realized - the final challenge that must be overcome is accepting the notion that time was not lost, rather, it took exactly this long to muster through, no matter how menial it might now seem. We are one spirit in a melody of time, and the silent moments give weight to our notes. There is no lack of progress, only barriers that hold us before eventually breaking as is the destiny of everything to turn into its opposite to cycle towards a new form.
